@StartupBus: Director, Americas 2016.
(New York & San Francisco > Boulder, COLORADO)
Selected to spearhead StartupBus Americas 2016, an annual competition (part hackathon, part road trip) designed to empower the tech community, challenging top tier talent to hop on a bus and conceive, build and launch a startup in 72 hours. Themed buses from 6 cities converged in Colorado to pitch during Boulder Startup Week – solving specific challenges across a variety of industries, creating the first interdisciplinary event of its kind. Partners included Techstars' Startup Week, BBVA, Cisco, Uber, Knight Foundation & Burton D. Morgan Foundation. Responsible for event strategy, partnerships and end-to-end execution. Tasks include managing logistics and production, venue sourcing, sponsorships, budgeting, recruiting and re-branding.
Boulder's Daily Camera: If this bus could talk... young entrepreneurs roll into Boulder Startup Week
Front page spread in Boulder's Daily Camera about the StartupBus 2016 finals. Themed buses from 6 citiesconverged in Colorado to pitch during Boulder Startup Week – solving specific challenges across a variety ofindustries, creating the first interdisciplinary event of its kind.
CRAIN'S: StartupBus gives potential entrepreneurs the chance to collaborate & brainstorm on the move
On May 15, participants from six different cities boarded buses and headed toward Boulder, Colorado. But before they got there, participants had 72 hours to form teams and create startups to pitch. This year, Akron was one of the starting line cities, and, appropriately enough for a city steeped in manufacturing, its participants were charged with creating “maker” – or “Internet of Things” – related companies.
StartupBus Americas 2016
Equal parts hackathon, road trip and global community, StartupBus is a life accelerator that skyrockets you to your greatest potential. On May 15-19th, 6 buses brimming with North America’s top tech talent will push themselves to 70 mph, as they dart across 3 countries towards Boulder, Colorado to compete on the Techstars Stage at Boulder Startup Week. This year we’re pioneering themed buses – solving specific challenges across a variety of industries.
cisco: Relive the Magic from StartupBus & Boulder Startup Week
Last week, we put a bunch of Cisco Spark and Tropo developer mentors on buses around the country and watched as teams of “buspreneurs” created products and companies as they trekked to Boulder, CO over four days from six points around North America. This crazy idea is called StartupBus, and it’s sort of an extreme hackathon for people who want to build a real company. Cisco was proud to sponsor the Startup Bus along their journey, and to provide mentorship, product, and financial support during the grueling trip. Teams organized and communicated amongst themselves and with the other buses using Cisco Spark and many built products on the Cisco Tropo API.
bbva bancomer: El Centro de innovación patrocina el startupbus mÉxico 2016
El StartupBus México 2016 que transporta a un total de 30 emprendedores de entre 18 y 35 años provenientes de Puebla, Monterrey, Querétaro, Pachuca y Chihuahua, inició su recorrido que arrancó en el Centro de Innovación BBVA Bancomer, ubicado en el piso 33 de la Torre Bancomer de la Ciudad de México, hacia Boulder, Colorado, en los Estados Unidos. El objetivo es que los participantes desarrollen en el trayecto hasta 5 startups, con base en tecnología financiera (fintech), mismas que presentarán cuando lleguen a su destino ante un panel de jueces, junto a otros concursantes provenientes de Estados Unidos y Canadá. Antes de abordar el autobús patrocinado por el Centro de Innovación BBVA Bancomer, los participantes se reunieron en el piso 33 de la Torre BBVA Bancomer, sede del Centro de Innovación y mediante dinámicas presentaron algunas ideas .
On May 15, a group of these intrepid developers will leave San Francisco and travel to Boulder for Startup Week, building new products focused on transportation along the way. Devin Sandoz and Andrew Noonan from Uber will accompany the buspreneurs, documenting their efforts and helping them learn and leverage the Uber Developer Platform to bring their aspirations to life.
StartupBus is about more than building a viable new app or service. Even more valuable is the entrepreneurial experience the program gives to people who often haven’t built a business from scratch before. StartupBus condenses work which often stretches into months of partial attention and incremental progress into a 5-day crucible. Ideas either crumble from the pressure applied to them, or become honed to the point where they can open doors. Participants learn how to take criticism, how to sell a vision, and when to stick to their convictions in the face of new obstacles and divergent perspectives.